Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
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to deceive oneself
engañarse a sí mismo
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deceive verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
deceived, has deceived, is deceiving, deceives
engañar, burlar

Ejemplos de uso de
deceive verb

  • Her parents punished her for trying to deceive them.
  • He was accused of deceiving the customer about the condition of the car.
  • People who think they can eat whatever they want without harming their health are deceiving themselves.
  • Remember that appearances can deceive—just because something looks good doesn't mean it is good.
  • Remember that appearances can deceive-just because something looks good doesn't mean it is good.

Sinónimos de
deceive verb

  • Los sustantivos de derivan del verbo deceive son deceit y deception.

oneself pronoun

unfavorite favorite play sound
se, sí mismo, uno mismo